5 Tips for Your Belly Bloat
We’ve all experienced bloating, and know it can be uncomfortable and frustrating. Bloating usually occurs because our food is not properly digested. When this happens, food sits in the stomach and ferments, which produces the gas that leads to bloating. There are various reasons for impaired digestion which may include low digestive enzymes, hormones, impaired intestinal lining, food sensitivities, and eating habits.
As naturopathic doctors, our goal is to treat the root cause of bloating. Bloating is a symptom that may surface as part of another condition. These conditions may include candida, small intestinal bacterial/fungal overgrowth (SIBO/SIFO), dysbiosis, leaky gut, IBS, and even female PMS. Understanding the root cause of bloating is important in treating the cause and preventing it from occurring in the future.
Here are some tips to help with bloating as it occurs.
1) Treat the Root Cause
As previously mentioned, the most important key to stop bloating is understanding why you are bloated. Naturopathic doctors can assess your symptoms and do a thorough intake of your gastrointestinal concerns. With that information, they can order diagnostic tests to identify the cause of your bloating and better treat the root cause. These diagnostics tests might include standard lab tests, a stool test, food sensitivity test, or breath test.
2) Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine, such as fennel and turmeric, has been used for the treatment of bloating and indigestion. Peppermint tea has been shown to be able to relax the gut and decrease bloating. Other herbs that have been researched and are worth considering are lemon balm, ginger, chamomile, green tea, and angelica root.
3) Consider Supplementation
Depending on the condition, supplementation to heal your gut could be necessary. Digestive enzymes can help your body with digestion. L-glutamine can help with healing the gut lining. Probiotics have been shown to help with bloating in patients with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Speaking with a naturopathic doctor can ensure you receive medical advice regarding supplementation that is specific to your needs.
4) Assess Your Eating Habits
It is best to eat in a relaxed and calm environment. When we are relaxed, we activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is our rest-and-digest nervous system. This allows us to secrete the enzymes that lead us to properly digest our foods, causing less bloating. When we are worried, stressed, or rushed, we activate our sympathetic nervous system which leads to improper digestion and bloating. If you are stressed, try sitting in a relaxed position before eating to activate your parasympathetic nervous system.
5) Try to Recognize Your Food Sensitivities
Pay close attention to how your body feels after you eat certain foods. If you notice you only get bloated after eating that one sandwich you love, it likely could be due to a food sensitivity or a condition you have that doesn’t properly digest certain foods. Try to recognize when you feel bloated and make a note of what you ate (or drank) that may have caused the bloat so you can best assess any patterns of bloating.
We encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our naturopathic doctors to get a better understanding of your body and receive a specialized treatment plan to help you feel your best! Please call (858) 800-2555 to schedule your consultation now. Our office is open 7 days a week from 10am to 5pm.