customized IV Therapy

At Nature & Science Medicine, we use over 50 of the most scientifically-advanced IV therapy base formulas, which are then customized to fit each patient’s unique needs. The customization of each IV formula allows us to address the underlying causes of your health conditions so that you can receive the maximum therapeutic benefits of your IV therapy.


Benefits of IV Therapy

Even with a great diet and supplements, we can’t always provide our bodies with optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals on a cellular level. Intravenous therapy, also known as IV therapy, enables cells to get the vitamins and minerals needed to function optimally and heal. Our local IV therapy in San Diego, CA can be beneficial for many medical conditions including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food sensitivities, stress and fatigue, inflammation, depressed immune systems and poor digestion — as well as acute and chronic illnesses such as cancer. High performance athletes may use vitamin injections to maintain cellular health throughout periods of intense activity.

With IV therapy, the nutrients go directly into your bloodstream to be utilized by the body — allowing for 100% absorption. Once your cells get the nutrients needed, they can regain optimal function and your body can begin to recover. When you’re looking to receive a local high dose Vitamin C IV in San Diego, CA, give our team a call.

Nutrient IVs

All nutrient IVs below include a complimentary Glutathione Push, our body’s master anti-oxidant.


N&SM Nutrient IV

Nature & Science Medicine’s classic formula of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and electrolytes.

Contains B-vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals to counteract the effects of dehydration, hangovers, nutrient deficiencies, illness-related fluid loss, and other health issues.

Previously known as our Hydration IV, or Meyers Cocktail.

Small (250ml): $185

Medium (500ml): $215

Large (1000ml): $275

Immune IV

Jump start your immune system with up to 10,000mg of Vitamin C, as well as extra Lysine, NAC, B-Vitamins, and Amino Acids!

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional immune-supporting vitamins and minerals - including 2,500mg of Vitamin C in the 250ml, 5,000mg in the 500ml and 10,000mg 1000ml sizes.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Detox IV

Our Detox IV supports healthy metabolism of toxins, hormones, and other waste products by providing your body with the necessary nutrients for your detoxification pathways to run.

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional B2, B6, B12, Taurine, and a double dose of Glutathione to support Phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395


Our Medium and Large size IVs are most popular and include significantly more vitamins and minerals!


Anti-Inflammatory IV

Bring your body back into balance by helping reduce systemic inflammation with our Anti-Inflammatory IV.

Our Nutrient IV PLUS an additional glutathione push (2 total), vitamins, minerals, & amino acids to help balance free radicals, reduce inflammation, and aid in skin-brightening.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Calming IV

Support your body’s relaxation, stress reduction, and sleep cycle with our Calming IV.

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional nutrients to assist in overall relaxation and improve healthy sleep patterns - including extra glycine, magnesium, and taurine.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Sleep Support IV

This IV contains nutrients to help improve sleep by increasing relaxation, supporting pathways that lead to sleep, and aiding your body in staying asleep longer.

This IV is best done in the afternoon or early evening.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395


Methylation Support IV

Nature & Science Medicine’s Methylation Support IV offers extra nutrients that help support methylation pathways. This IV is especially beneficial if you have MTHF gene mutations and need additional support for your methylation pathways.

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional vitamin Methylcoblamin (Methylated B12) and Folinic Acid (active folate), which are nutrients that can be difficult to get in a vegan diet without the addition of supplements.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Vegan Support IV

Nature & Science Medicine’s Vegan Support IV offers extra nutrients that are in short supply in a vegan diet to keep you feeling and looking your best!

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional vitamin B12 and Taurine, which are nutrients that can be difficult to get in a vegan diet without the addition of supplements.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Energy IV

Whether you suffer from chronic fatigue or are just dragging today, get that extra energy boost you need with extra B-Vitamins and Amino acids.

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional nutrients - including extra L-Carnitine, Inositol, Methionine, and Choline - to boost mood, energy, and productivity.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395


Sports Recovery IV

Enhance your post-workout recovery with our Performance Recovery IV so you can get back in the game quicker!

Our Nutrient IV PLUS additional vitamins, minerals, & amino acids to support healthy metabolism, tissue repair, and muscle recovery. Includes extra taurine, magnesium, MIC, and carnitine.

Small (250ml): $225

Medium (500ml): $285

Large (1000ml): $395

Glutathione IV

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant produced in the body which can improve skin health, reduce signs of aging, help restore liver function, & help with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease & age related memory loss.

Small: 1 gram, $125

Medium: 2 grams, $175

Large: 3 grams, $225

Extra-Large: 4 grams, $275

Pure Hydration IV

Whether you are suffering from food poisoning, a stomach bug, dehydration, or a hangover, our Rehydration IV can help get you feeling better.

This IV contains a solution of Lactated Ringer’s, saline, or dextrose for fluid and electrolyte restoration - without the addition of vitamins, minerals, or amino acids.

Small (250ml): $145

Medium (500ml): $185

Large (1000ml): $205

Optional: add Zofran for nausea, or Toradol for headaches.

specialty IVs


Artesunate (Artemisinin) IV

Artemisinin is an extract from the herb Wormwood and is used to treat various infections, such as Malaria and Lyme Disease, and as a supportive cancer care treatment.

Regular (120mg): $385

Large (240mg): $585

High Dose Vitamin C IV

Intravenous High Dose Vitamin C IV (IVC) is a pro-oxidant treatment, which works by killing unwanted organisms. IVC is used for supportive cancer care,  as well as treatment of EBV, Lyme, and many other chronic illnesses.

25 grams: $185
50 grams: $225
75 grams: $265 100 grams: $305

Note: For patients receiving our local high dose Vitamin C IV in San Diego, CA, a one-time blood draw to test for a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is required before therapy can be initiated.


Our NAD+ IV aids in anti-aging and reduces pain & inflammation. You can learn more about NAD+ IV therapy here. Our NAD+ IV includes a N&SM Nutrient IV with the addition of NAD+, as well as a Glutathione Push.

Small (250ml IV with 250mg NAD+): $385

Medium (500ml IV with 500mg NAD+): $655

Large (1000ml IV with 750mg NAD+): $905

Extra-Large (1000ml IV with 1000mg NAD+): $1,155

Chelation IV

Nutrient IV with chelating agents (EDTA and/or DMPS) for treatment of heavy metal toxicity. Includes a glutathione push.

Chelation IV therapy helps your body dispose of heavy metals that are burdening your body. The chelating agents help remove common metals such as lead, mercury, copper, arsenic, etc.

One size: $345

NOTE: chelation treatment requires pre-screening for heavy metal levels, exposures, and possible toxicity. Pre-treatment screening requires a Naturopathic Primary Care appointment.

Quercetin IV

Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that can help with allergies, reducing inflammation, boosting immune function, and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and degenerative brain disorders. Includes a Glutathione Push.

One size: $385

Iron IV

Iron can be used as an effective way to raise iron levels in those with low iron and subsequent iron deficiency symptoms (e.g. anemia, fatigue). Iron IVs can quickly raise iron levels for individuals having difficulty with oral absorption - without causing symptoms, such as constipation, associated with oral supplementation. At N&SM we use a form of iron, Venofer, which is safer and more effective than the form, Iron Dextran, used in most IV iron preparations.

Note: Bloodwork Required.

Regular (100mg): $395

Large (200mg): $595

Methylene Blue IV

Methylene Blue aids in transporting oxygen effectively in the body. Benefits include helping increasing energy and improving brain health as well as improving your cellular respiration by improving oxygen delivery to your cells.

One size: $985

Curcumin IV

Curcumin is a plant extract from turmeric and has potential benefits in use as a supportive cancer treatment, treatment for inflammatory conditions, and more. Curcumin can be beneficial in modulating inflammation for use in chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Curcumin can also be used for detox and reducing systemic inflammation. Research has shown curcumin to have anti-tumor properties and to be a chemosensatizer (makes cancer cells more susceptible to chemotherapy).

One size: $385

Plaquex® Phosphatidylcholine IV

Plaquex® Phosphatidylcholine (PTC) is specially formulated to reduce plaque in arteries. PTC supports healthy liver function, reduces inflammation, and improves memory. It also improves your cellular function resulting in increased energy levels.

Small: 250mg, $225

Medium: 750mg, $295

Large: 1,500mg, $365

Extra Large: 2,500mg, $435

To ensure that the most comprehensive, patient-centered medicine is being provided to patients receiving IV therapy, we monitor the function of the body’s systems in response to therapy. Give us a call today to get started with our local popular IV therapy in San Diego, CA.