8 Benefits of IV Therapy
IV (intravenous) therapy is a method of restoring the balance in your body by infusing certain fluids.
Customized IVs, such as high dose vitamin C IVs, ensure that your body receives the nutrients it may
be lacking. IV therapy contains a combination of vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants that can help you heal from a myriad of conditions and nutrient
deficiencies. The process is quite simple, and the IVs are administered by a Naturopathic Doctor. Here are some of the benefits of IV therapy.
1. IV Therapy Can Help Your Body Recover When You Are Dehydrated
Dehydration is when the level of certain fluids in your body drops below normal. Many people do not
get enough water and electrolytes each day due to a busy lifestyle or health stressors, which causes
dehydration in their bodies. This can lead to an array of different health problems, including
headaches and high blood pressure. When you receive IV therapy, the vitamins you were deficient in
are restored to your body, so continued therapies can revitalize your health.
2. It Can Provide Additional Nutritional Support When Your Body is
Experiencing Illness
Patients who are sick often need extra energy and nutrients to get through the day without feeling too
weak or tired. The process of receiving an infusion has been known to make people feel rejuvenated
and energized. This is because the intravenous fluid your body receives can be individualized to
contain all of the essential nutrients to properly function, ensuring that your body gets what it needs
when you are sick.
3. IV Therapy Can Help To Prevent Long-Term Health Problems
When you have the proper levels of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your body you can avoid
long-term medical problems. When these preventative measures are taken
regularly, it is possible to keep your body strong and healthy while reducing the need to worry about
health issues developing over an extended period. The NAD IV is an excellent example - this IV
promotes healthy brain function and decreases overall inflammation.
4. IV Therapy Can Help Manage Pain and Inflammation in Your Body
Those who have painful conditions that are chronic or acute often rely on IV therapy to reduce
their pain levels. There are several types of fluid that help the body control pain
and inflammation levels. A High Dose Vitamin C IV is a great example as it provides supportive
treatment for autoimmune issues, such as lyme disease or rheumatoid arthritis.
5. IV Therapy Can Help Your Immune System Function Properly
Your body already has antibodies in place to protect you from becoming sick if you encounter a virus
or bacteria during your course of daily activities. However, sometimes those built-in protections are
not enough to fight off sickness or infection if your body is already dehydrated or malnourished. IV
therapy helps ensure that the cells in your body receive the hydration and nutrients they need so that
their natural defenses against illness work properly to keep you healthy.
6. You Can Receive IV Therapy at Home
The process of receiving intravenous fluids is not as invasive as other forms of treatment. For this
reason, it is relatively common for patients to get IV therapy done at home as a preventative
measure, where they can continue their daily activities without disrupting their schedule. A licensed
naturopathic doctor can administer IV therapy as a house call when time or physical barriers become
an issue. Most IVs take between 1-2 hours to administer and typically do not cause symptoms that
will have a negative impact on the rest of your daily activities.
7. IV Therapy Can Help Your Body Fight Off Infections
When you have an infection, your white blood cells multiply more quickly so that they can work harder
to fight against invading germs or disease-causing bacteria in your system. By receiving an IV that
contains a customized formula with electrolytes and essential nutrients, your body can better fight
against infections by strengthening your immune system.
8. IV Therapy Helps with Hangovers
Alcohol dehydrates your body, leading to many side effects such as nausea, headaches, and vomiting.
Instead of going through the pain, you should consider receiving an intravenous drip to help combat
the dehydration resulting from drinking alcohol. If you're looking to avoid a hangover entirely, this is
definitely one way to do it.
Hydration IV in San Diego CA
If you are in San Diego, CA, and are considering getting a Hydration IV, kindly reach out to Nature
and Science Medicine, and we will be more than happy to help you.