A Quick Guide to PRP Treatments

PRP treatment has increased in popularity in recent years. It's versatile, non-invasive, and offers many benefits to patients. Plus, in today's world, it can be tricky to get into a doctor's office. In fact, according to Business Insider, the average time to wait for a doctor's appointment in American cities is 26 days. Thankfully there are other options! If you're just now discovering PRP therapy, here's everything you need to know.

The Plasma

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This therapy involves injecting a concentrated version of your blood into a specific body area. The injections are created by taking one or several tubes of blood and running the blood through a centrifuge. This helps concentrate the platelets. It promotes regeneration and healing, making it an excellent option for injured athletes. This type of therapy offers terrific healing benefits for damaged tissue too.

The Process

There are several steps of PRP treatment. First, blood is taken from the patient. This blood is usually taken from the arm, just like when a doctor does a blood test. Then, the centrifuge spins the blood at a high speed to concentrate the platelets. After that, the plasma is activated. Usually, this is done with calcium chloride, but as technology advances, doctors have begun to use other ingredients. The activation process simulates the growth hormone inside the platelets, which is necessary for rapid regeneration. Then, it is injected.

The Applications

PRP treatment can treat various conditions because it increases blood flow to the area and promotes tissue regeneration. Erectile dysfunction patients may see dramatic improvement due to the increased blood flow. Patients with thinning hair enjoy the way it stimulates hair growth. Athletes frequently use this therapy to treat injuries to get back in the game. PRP also encourages collagen production, making it a promising procedure to help decrease the visible signs of aging.

The Benefits

Platelet-rich plasma injections offer several benefits. This procedure is non-invasive. It requires tiny needles that are used to draw blood. You won't have to worry about scars or anesthesia. Most people love this treatment because it's natural. PRP utilizes the blood already in your body, so you don't have to worry about horrible side effects from medication. Most people experience few, if any, side effects after a treatment. There is also minimal downtime after a treatment.

We understand you may have questions about this innovative treatment option. Our staff is here to answer any that you have. Contact us today at Nature & Science Medicine to discuss how PRP can help you.

Nikodemas McNulty