Beyond Wearing Red! A Naturopathic Article on Heart Health

February is Heart Month. In the United States of America, heart disease is still the leading cause of death. Heart disease is largely a preventable disease through lifestyle and behavior modifications - most notably through diet and exercise.

There are four type of cardiovascular/heart disease: 

  • Coronary heart disease 

  • Peripheral arterial disease 

  • Aortic disease  

  • Stroke 

Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular/heart disease (CVD) include the following:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chest pain 

  • Coughing/Wheezing 

  • Swollen limbs 

  • Irregular heart beat 

  • Fatigue 

  • Dizziness 

Best ways to support yourself from developing or worsening CVD: 

  • Do not SMOKE! 

  • Keep alcohol to no more than 2 drinks per week

  • Focus on getting more plants onto your plate. I prefer a plate that has half fruits and non-starchy vegetables, one quarter starches and one quarter protein/fats. 

  • Fiber is your friend, the goal is 35-50 grams per day. Foods that are considered good sources of fiber include: oat bran, guar gum, dried beans and peas, apples with skin,  dark leafy green vegetables, seaweeds, and flaxseeds.  Consider a high fiber snacks 1-2 per day:  

    • Beans like Brami or Jovial 

    • Chia seeds in smoothies, juice or as chia seed pudding 

    • Flax seeds in salad dressings, smoothies, oatmeal or use it as an egg substitute in baking

    • Dark leafy green vegetables preferably steamed or sautéed in heat friendly oil.  

    • Celery with nut butter 

    • Avocado with multi-grain gluten-free toast, micro greens and a dash of hot sauce 

    • For more high fiber snack ideas, see recipe

  • Get moving! Exercise, ideally in AM, is favorable for most people’s adrenal health.  Mix up anaerobic and anaerobic exercise 3-5 days per week. Find an accountability buddy for exercise. 

  • Maintain a healthy weight as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

  • Sleep, preferably by 10PM so that the body can rest and repair. 

  • Stress management, consider square breathing, meditation, mindfulness based stress reduction or journaling. 

Tips for cardiovascular health support:

  • Drink hibiscus tea without sugar a few times a day; hibiscus tea is full of antioxidants, can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. 

  • See a dentist as good dental health can only increase your cardiovascular health 

  • Sex and intimacy

  • Get regular health screenings with your doctor— blood chemistry more than cholesterol, i.e. CRP, Homocysteine, Lipopotein (a), and a Boston Heart Screening test. I also highly recommend a Calcium Heart CT for all. 

*If you’re having cardiovascular health symptoms see a cardiologist for a cardiovascular stress test. 

Spices and herbs that have been known to support heart health are the following: 

  • Garlic

  • Cinnamon

  • Cayenne

  • Crataegus/Hawthorne

  • Turmeric

  • Ginger

Before starting any of these recommendations follow-up with your doctor, or book an appointment with a licensed naturopathic doctor at Nature and Science Medicine.  Naturopathic medicine is exemplary in working alongside patients and clients in order to help optimize their health effectively and efficiently.

Written by: Erin Rhae Biller, ND, FAIHM